Activating Warmup

How to setup warmup and enable it

🎯 Activating Mailbox Warmup and Campaign Warmup

Follow these simple steps to ensure your emails are always in top shape!

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Once you enable warmup, that account will start sending and receiving AI generated emails between other users in's warmup pool.

Mailbox Warmup 📫

  1. Navigate: Click on "WARMUP" on your navigation bar.

  2. Activate: Under the "Mailbox Warmup" tab, look for the "Warmup Action" column. Toggle it on for the desired email address. (Can't see a mailbox? Make sure you've connected your email account first.)

  3. Done! 🎉 You've set up Mailbox Warmup for that account. Repeat for any other mailboxes you want.

  4. [OPTIONAL] Settings: Click on the email account name or the analytics icon. This opens the warmup settings. We recommend keeping the default settings for all users.

Campaign Warmup 📧

  1. Navigate: Click on "WARMUP" on your navigation bar.

  2. Activate: Under the "Campaign Warmup" tab, look for the "Warmup Action" column. Toggle it on for the desired campaign, and it will apply for all mailboxes with mailbox warmup enabled. (Can't see a campaign to warmup? Make sure you've connected your email account first and created a campaign.)

  3. Done! 🎉 You've set up Campaign Warmup for that account. Repeat for any other campaigns you want.

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Not seeing your warmup emails? If you just enabled it, please be aware that our system updates its queue of emails to send for the entire day at midnight UTC. Changes will take effect after this time.

Up Next ➡️

Creating a cold email sequence campaign

How to create a cold email sequence campaign

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