Connect Any Email Account to with SMTP/IMAP

Connecting Any Email Account with Custom SMTP/IMAP

To connect an email account that isn’t Gmail/Google Workspace or Microsoft365/Outlook, you’ll need to use IMAP/SMTP.

ℹ️ IMAP helps you retrieve messages, while SMTP is for sending them. When you look at your email provider settings, IMAP shows up as an Incoming Server and SMTP as an outgoing server.

The process requires you to input your password information for both IMAP and SMTP. If you haven’t activated 2FA, just use the mailbox password for that account. In case you’re unsure about this data, some email providers offer support pages that guide you in finding the IMAP/SMTP hostnames.

Guides from popular IMAP and SMTP hostnames:


Connecting Zoho to

How to connect your mailbox to




Additional Resources

If your provider is not listed here, we suggest reaching out to your email service provider for the IMAP and SMTP information necessary to connect your mailbox account with

Connect any account via IMAP/SMTP to

Step 1: Login and navigate to Mailbox Settings >> Settings >> Mailbox Settings >> Custom

STEP 2: Input your Mailbox Settings

  • Sender Settings

    • Sender Name: Input the First and Last Name for the mailbox user you're connecting.

    • Daily Send Limit: Set the Daily Send limit for this mailbox you're connecting. We recommend anywhere between 20-40 daily send limits per day.

    • Email: Input the email address that you're connecting

  • IMAP Settings

    • Email: Input the email address that you're connecting

    • Password: Input the Password for that mailbox.

    • Server Address: Input the IMAP Host

    • Server Port: Input the IMAP Port

    • Enable/Disable SSL Encryption.

  • SMTP Settings

    • Email: Input the email address that you're connecting

    • Password: Input the Password for that mailbox.

    • Server Address: Input the SMTP Host

    • Server Port: Input the SMTP Port

    • Enable/Disable SSL Encryption.

Then click 'Save' and that's it! your mailbox has been connected to

🎉 Congratulations! Your mailbox has been connected to using Custom SMTP/IMAP.

[Optional] STEP 3: Connect Additional Accounts

If you want to add additional mailbox, simply click on 'Add Mailbox' and repeat to connect as many Mailbox as you'd like.

Troubleshooting Tips

  • Ensure correct credentials are being used when connecting your email account using SMTP and IMAP. Enter details carefully to prevent any issues.

  • If connection issues persist, the SMTP/IMAP server may be down.

  • Perform the server connectivity test using any one of these mail tester tools:

  • If the test fails, contact your email service provider’s support team for updates and server availability.

  • If the test is successful but issues persist, reach out to our support team via chat for further assistance.

Up Next ➡️

Activating Warmup

How to setup warmup and enable it

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