Uploaded Contacts & Active Contacts

All Mails.ai plans feature unlimited uploaded leads.

All plans (Startup, Growth, and Pro) include Unlimited "Uploaded Contacts"

What does this mean for you? You can add as many new leads to your workspace and manage your campaigns more effectively without worrying about any monthly restrictions.

To fully take advantage of Unlimited "Uploaded Contacts" and ensure the success of your campaigns, consider the following best practices:

  1. Organize and Optimize Campaigns: Regularly update your campaigns to keep them relevant and organized, focused on your target audience and objectives.

  2. Maintain Lead Quality: Prioritize high-quality leads that are aligned with your goals, ensuring a higher chance of successful engagement.

  3. Monitor Campaign Performance: Assess your campaign analytics to spot areas for improvement and opportunities for growth.

Uploaded Contacts vs. Active Contacts: What’s the Difference?

  • Uploaded Contacts: This refers to the total number of contacts you can store in your workspace, regardless of engagement. With our Startup, Growth, and Pro plans, you have Unlimited Uploaded Contacts storage, meaning you can add as many contacts as you want without ever hitting a limit.

  • Active Contacts: These are the unique email addresses you engage with in a particular month. Each month, your count of Active Contacts resets, giving you the ability to connect with a new set of unique individuals. Our Pro Plan stands out by offering Unlimited Active Contacts, ensuring you can connect with as many people as needed without any restrictions.

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We use the term "Active Contacts" to describe the unique email addresses you send messages to in a given month. Don’t worry about running out of space or having to delete old contacts — every month, your count of Active Contacts goes back to zero. This way, you can keep reaching out to new people without any hassle.
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Worrying about a multi-month campaign eating into your next month's Active Contacts? Don’t be. We only count the first email to each unique contact in a month towards your Active Contacts. So even if your campaign starts in one month and continues into the next, you can still reach out to a brand new set of contacts without any issue.

By utilizing the unlimited uploaded contact limits on your Mails.ai paid plans (Startup, Growth, and Pro), you can be confident in having an always-available space for new leads at no additional cost and the ability to manage your campaigns efficiently.

Happy emailing! 📧

Ready to make the most of your unlimited contacts?

Upgrade your Mails.ai account now!

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